太平雲梯位於海拔 1000 公尺、五連峰尾段風口,全長 281 公尺,受限地形地質及區位條件,橋樑結構南北(主索)及東西(抗風系統)均非對稱,加上北橋塔二力桿,整體施工難度高,全橋纜索材料均是臺灣自製,也是首座進行風洞試驗的人行吊橋, 可耐十六級強陣風。 

北橋塔高 22.8 公尺位在太平山脊,南橋塔僅高 5 公尺,隱沒在龜背山腰中;北塔如龍抬頭,喻含 廿四節氣的驚蟄-喻示新的一年要開始,給村里帶來好運氣,吊橋為龍身,龍尾(南橋塔)沒入龜背山 -形成「龍龜」意象,有「榮歸」之意。配合地形設計南側隱沒的橋塔,猶如「神龍見首不見尾」; 北端二力桿及雙背拉索有「雙龍搶珠」之意涵。 


The Taiping Cloud Ladder stretches 281 meters at the wind gap at the end of Wulianfeng (Five Peaks), 1,000 meters above sea level. Because of topographic, geologic, and positional limitations, the bridge is not symmetrical in either its north-south (main cable) or east-west (wind-resistance system) dimension. These conditions, plus the double-tower design at the north end of the bridge, made its construction highly difficult. All of the cables were domestically made, and this is the first pedestrian suspension bridge in Taiwan for which wind-tunnel testing was carried out. It can withstand gusts of up to force 16.
The bridge’s 22.8-meter north tower rises above the ridge of Mt. Taiping; the south tower, a mere five meters tall, is sunk into the flank of Mt. Guibei. The north tower is like the uplifted head of a dragon that brings good fortune to the village. The bridge itself forms the body of the dragon, and the tail of the dragon is the south tower sunk in Mt. Guibei.